Marshall vs JBL Speakers

October 25, 2021

Marshall vs JBL Speakers

Are you torn between Marshall and JBL speakers? Both brands have gained a reputation for producing high-quality speakers that are suitable for various settings, including parties, outdoor events, and personal use. In this post, we will compare Marshall and JBL speakers in terms of microprocessors.

Microprocessors of Marshall Speakers

Marshall speakers are equipped with state-of-the-art microprocessors that influence their sound quality and functionality. The microprocessors in Marshall speakers are responsible for controlling the drivers, tweeters, crossovers, and power amplifiers.

One of the latest microprocessors used in Marshall speakers is the 100-watt digital power amp. This microprocessor offers a balanced sound with crystal-clear highs, solid mids, and punchy bass. The microprocessor also features a soft-clip limiter that prevents distortion and protects your speakers from overheating or blowing out.

Microprocessors of JBL Speakers

JBL speakers are also renowned for their powerful and reliable microprocessors. These microprocessors are designed to optimize sound quality, volume, and flexibility. The microprocessors in JBL speakers vary depending on the model and purpose of the speaker.

For instance, the JBL EON612 speaker features a 1000-watt power amp that delivers exceptional sound quality and consistency. The microprocessor in this speaker can also perform multiple functions, including powering the speaker on and off, adjusting the equalizer, and monitoring the temperature.


Both Marshall and JBL speakers use cutting-edge microprocessors that contribute to their superior sound quality and functionality. However, the microprocessors in Marshall speakers offer better control and protection against overheating or distortion than those in JBL speakers.

In terms of power output, JBL speakers have the upper hand, with most models featuring high-wattage power amplifiers that can produce louder and clearer sound. Nevertheless, Marshall speakers offer more precise and balanced sound, making them ideal for critical listening and studio applications.


Marshall and JBL speakers are among the best in the market when it comes to microprocessors. While Marshall speakers are more precise and offer better protection against distortion, JBL speakers are more powerful and suited for high-volume settings. Ultimately, the choice between the two brands depends on your personal preferences and intended use.


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